Sport Update!

Sport Update!

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Included in newsletter

Uniform Returns

If parents can please assist by helping students locate any sports jerseys and team uniforms, they may still have at home.  A large number of items remain outstanding. These are required to be returned to Mrs Campbell immediately. 

Sport in 2019

The PLC Sports Department is committed to providing a program that meets competitive, health and wellbeing needs of our students. 

Students are offered a diverse range of sporting options and I encourage each of them to take up these opportunities.  In 2019 we will once again ask for your family’s commitment, sporting spirit and effort to ensure the continued success of PLC Sport.

With sporting activities commencing very early in Term 1 please be aware in Week 1 we will be calling for students to register for the following competitions:  

  • Years 7-12 All Schools Netball (Monday Nights)
  • Years 7-10 SCISSA Volleyball (Wednesday afternoons)
  • Years 11-12 SCISSA Soccer (Wednesday afternoons)

Years 3-12 Students will take part in Swimming trials at the swimming carnival in the first few weeks of Term 1 and will be required to wear PLC Swimmers.  Please take this into consideration when organising uniforms for the start of the 2019 year.

PLC Board Riders and Running Club will also recommence in Term 1.

There will be a number of opportunities for students to trial for Independent District and Regional teams in the following sports during Term 1.

AFL, basketball, baseball, netball, rugby league, rugby union, tennis, touch, volleyball, water polo.

Note: A full listing of 2019 trial dates will be provided at the commencement of 2019.  Students wishing to trial will need to see Mr Kersnovske for required paperwork to be completed, approved and submitted by trial due dates.

Further information regarding upcoming sporting opportunities will be released in 2019.

Thank You

It has been a fantastic year for sport at PLC this year and we can all celebrate in the success that we as a school have achieved in 2018.

We sincerely thank the many coaches and staff who have contributed to our teams this year giving their time, effort and expertise to various sports.  I would also like to thank Head of Sport - Mr Kersnovske for entrusting his role to me during his Term 4 leave.  Having only stepped into his shoes for a short time, I highly commend his calm, organised approach to providing so many sporting opportunities to students and the continued growth and development of sport at PLC.   

Thank you for your continued support of PLC Sport.

Mrs Natalie Campbell, Acting Head of Sport
