Speech and Drama Co-Curricula opportunities for students

Speech and Drama Co-Curricula opportunities for students

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Are you looking for more opportunities to engage in drama? The Speech and Drama program at PLC might be right for you! Speech and Drama is a private or small group lesson run during the school day (with limited times before and after school) where students can focus on learning all different aspects of Drama, as their interests dictate. Perhaps you want to focus on developing skills to portray a wide range of characters and accents, or maybe you want to learn more about the theory of speech production and breathing to improve the quality of your voice. We can even work on writing your own stories!

All lessons are effective in building social skills such as: confidence, empathy, creativity, concentration, teamwork, communication, problem solving, and language development. These skills are great for oral presentations and job interviews. Studies have shown that Drama is a very effective way to develop social skills. It is also shown that higher social skills are associated with lower psychosocial stress, which in turn is linked to improved mental health. And, of course, drama is fun!

For more information, or to sign up, please contact Ms Imogen Joppich at irjoppich@outlook.com or 0499 032 289.

Thanks so much!

Ms Imogen Joppich, Speech and Drama Teacher
