Shaping a World of Possibility Together 2028

Shaping a World of Possibility Together 2028

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Included in newsletter

Over the past four days Lutheran Principals as part of the National Lutheran Principal's Conference have been involved in considering how changes associated with education, religion, technology, community, social and cultural understandings, economics, the environment and politics on a local, national and global level could impact on the way we conceive education and life beyond school in 2028.  

We were challenged to consider alternative scenarios that our students, staff and families may encounter both within formal education and beyond.  It is important that as we plan and take account of where we are, we focus on growing our young people for the world that will be, rather than the world that was.  Our goal is to plan for members of our communities to be equipped to live hope-filled purposeful lives in rapidly changing and often uncertain contexts.  Significantly as we plan for the future we need to think from a mindset of possibility.  

Hope and possibility open thinking to rich alternatives.  Hope in an ever present gracious God grounds us as people and challenges us to have an eye for the good of all people and for the planet as we move forward together.  We look forward to engaging parents, students and staff in this exciting journey.
