Senior College Update

Senior College Update

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It has been a busy start to the year in the Senior College with a variety of important events having taken place. Over the past two weeks, Year 10, 11 and 12 students and parents had their respective information evenings where important details about curriculum and tertiary requirements were discussed. I encourage all students and parents to speak with Mrs Wanda Hayes or Ms Anne-Marie Gerlach if they have any questions or concerns about study pathways, subject selections and/or tertiary information, as they bring a wealth of information to the College. We thank Mrs Hayes and Ms Gerlach for their time on these nights.

Last week, the Year 12 cohort continued their connections with their Year 2 buddies when students came together for their first ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’. The Year 12 students were as excited as their Year 2 counterparts and it was an entertaining lunchtime witnessing the interactions between these groups. I congratulate the Year 12 students on their mature approach to working with their buddies and how involved they were in forming strong bonds. A special thank you to Mrs Leonie Prout, Mrs Jodie Connors and Mrs Tanya Graves for their organisation of the lunch. I look forward to seeing these important relationships and bonds continuing to grow throughout the year.

On Tuesday this week, the annual Ecumenical Service took place at Good Shepherd Lutheran College. Our Year 9 House Leaders attended the excellent service, which focused on the need for leadership and service that is reliant on God’s help and assistance. There were strong themes of compassion, kindness, peace and gratitude and it was a timely message for us all as we begin a new year. It was also a great opportunity for our Year 9 leaders to connect with students from other Sunshine Coast schools. Well done to our students for their involvement and the way they conducted themselves at the service. I pray that we all take these messages forward this year.

God bless.

Mr Mark Hauser, Head of Senior College Students