Senior College Parent Information Evenings
Senior College Parent Information Evenings
We would like to thank Year 11 parents and students who attended the parent information evening on Tuesday 2nd February. It is pleasing to have the continued support and connectedness of parents during their student’s journey through senior school.
Here are some key links that we encourage families to view:
- Australian Communications and Media Authority – Parent information regarding interactions online and being cyber-smart:
- Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) Student Connect:
- The QCAA’s Queensland Core Skills (QCS) Test assesses students in the Common Curriculum Elements (CCEs) — a set of 49 testable generic skills identified in the Queensland senior curriculum. More information can be found at:
- Pacific Lutheran College Student Café:
- Myfutures:
- Road Safety Education day, 23rd March 2016:
If you were unable to attend this parent information evening and would like more information about careers or student pathways post-secondary schooling, please contact our Careers Counsellor, Mrs Natasha Purcell ( or 07 5436 7310).
Year 10 and 12 parents and students are asked to attend their information evenings on the following dates:
- Year 12 Information Evening – 16th February at 7.00pm.
- Year 10 Information Evening – 23rd February at 7.00pm.
Senior College events are listed on the College calendar and reminders are uploaded to the College app.