Seeing Each Other As Co-Creators and Co-Learners

Seeing Each Other As Co-Creators and Co-Learners

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Included in newsletter

As we come into community, we are invited to see each other as co-creators and co-learners. In every moment of every day, the choices we make, create our experiences. How we choose to see ourselves, each other, success, challenges, opportunity, change and uncertainty, create a present and a future for ourselves and others. Where we come as co-creators and co-learners, we are open to wonder and curiosity, being creative and then discerning in our choices. When we see each other as co-creators we listen deeply with ears, eyes and heart.  We create space to see and build on our strengths and the strengths of those around us to shape better experiences now and into the future. We slow down and engage more deeply. We see and become more.

God invites us to see ourselves and each other as He sees us, as having been specially and uniquely created each with our own gifts and purpose to make a difference for people and the world around us. He invites us to co-create with Him and each other. We are invited to walk graciously, learning through success and mistake-making. Empowered by His love and grace we are enabled to flourish as hope-filled co-creators, enriching the lives of each other and the planet for both the present and the future.
