Restorative Processes

Restorative Processes

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Included in newsletter

When people of all ages work closely together as they do in schools, mistakes and conflicts are inevitable. At Pacific, we use Restorative Processes to create a culture where forgiveness and empathy are valued over punishment and retribution. The aim is for students to learn from their mistakes and to minimise hurtful actions in the future. Positive discussions are used to walk alongside students and grow them. Consequences are a key part of our approach and they are applied consistently and fairly. Therefore, our approach is to help students understand their mistakes, to acknowledge the negative impacts and to learn from them.

As this is my last newsletter for the year, I would like to thank all staff for their contributions to student wellbeing at Pacific. From Kindergarten to Year 12, staff work within a culture based on care, dignity and respect. As a result of this approach, there is genuine kindness at the core of our pastoral care. I would also like to wish all families in the Pacific community a safe and happy Christmas.

Mr Brendan Delaney, Director of Students