Rest and Rejuvenation

Rest and Rejuvenation

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Rest is important for us on a daily and weekly basis, and for extended periods throughout the year.  Ensuring we get enough sleep and find ways to relax and connect with people and nature on a regular basis, helps us to live life in the best possible way.  Sleep improves our sense of wellbeing, boosts our immune system, allows the body to repair itself and enhances learning, memory and recall.   Downtime enhances our motivation, encourages productivity and inspires creativity. Rest is essential for us to achieve our highest levels of performance and be our best selves.  Connecting to nature has many of these same benefits. 

Understanding the importance of rest and downtime has been part of human history.  Many cultures, built rest into their daily and weekly rhythm, including those from a Jewish and Christian tradition.  In the creation story, God rested on the seventh day.  Taking time to rest and be present with God, provides opportunity for deep rejuvenation and renewal.
