Reports Term 4 - P-5

Reports Term 4 - P-5

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

Reports are an essential element in the partnership between teachers, schools and parents.  As in any partnership, the responsibility is shared. The education of every child is helped immeasurably when parents take an active interest and I thank you for being so wonderfully involved through many countless activities during this term.

Over the coming weeks all P-5 teachers will be extremely busy gathering assessments and writing reports. You can access your child’s report through the parent lounge in TASS. If you wish, you can request a written report by contacting the college office at the end of the term.

As parents, you are entitled to expect useful information and guidance from your child’s report. At Pacific we acknowledge that the two things parents value most in reporting is interaction with teachers and a grade that gives a fair and accurate assessment of your child’s progress.

Your child’s written report serves a number of purposes:

  • Builds relationships between you and the College and serves as a focus for discussion.
  • Helps you to chart the progress of your child.
  • Provides useful and accurate information that helps your child’s teacher to direct and encourage your child’s educational progress.
  • Helps you and your child’s teacher to make decisions about the needs of your child.

Enjoy celebrating your child’s achievements and discussing with them ways they can improve their learning and continue to grow.

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Learning K-5