REMINDER - Visit by Registered Nurse for Free Prep Vision Screening

REMINDER - Visit by Registered Nurse for Free Prep Vision Screening

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Included in newsletter

Good vision is important for a child’s educational, physical and social development. Vision screening checks for common eye conditions that may impact your child’s ability to see and therefore impact their learning and development.

A Registered Nurse will be visiting the school on Monday the 13th of March 2023 to conduct vision screening for children in their prep year. Only those students who have a completed consent form will be screened.

If you wish to have your prep child participate in this FREE vision screening program, please complete a consent form.

The online portal is now closed but paper consent forms are still available from the College Nurse. 

Participation in this free vision screening program is not compulsory.

Parents do not need to be present for screening, however if you would like to be, please contact the school to arrange this.

If you have concerns about your child’s eyes at any time, please take your child to see an eye health professional (optometrist/ophthalmologist). 

For further information, please scan the below QR code to visit the Program website or contact the Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program on 1800 687 372.

Mrs Sharon Middleton, College Nurse
