Quality – Requires A Long Term View

Quality – Requires A Long Term View

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Midway through Term 2 is a good time to revisit this year’s theme of Quality, A Focus For Life. The words ‘quality’ and ‘quick’, although beginning with the same letter, would rarely occur together in the achievement of an outcome. The growth of quality takes time and persistence. It requires us to take the long view, to be patient, persistent and purposeful. Quick gains are often just as quickly taken for granted. Quick solutions to complex problems rarely succeed. Quick learning is often quickly forgotten. Quality learning requires deep engagement, as ideas are unpacked, and involves problem solving and persistence as new challenges arise. Quality learning fosters new perspectives and connections as understanding evolves. It requires time for people to chew things over and reflect. 

The same is true for quality relationships. God invites us to come into a quality relationship with other people and with Him. In giving us the Bible rather than a simple list of what to do, we were given a guidebook that encourages engagement, rumination and a long view. Through ruminating on the stories within the Bible and through prayer, we can deepen our relationships as we come to better see ourselves, other people and God. The Bible stories speak to us differently at different times of our lives. Taking the time to grow quality in our relationships with people and with God has us centred on and enriched by the important things in life.
