Purpose Through Serving Others

Purpose Through Serving Others

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We find our purpose through putting the needs of others before our own. Simple things such as being inclusive and encouraging people, bring benefits to others and to ourselves. Where we switch from looking inward to outward, the light of possibility shines. Where we can use our gifts to support other people there is a mutual benefit. We find extra motivation where we see the purpose of learning as a means to grow skills and capacities to make a difference. Finding purpose in the simple rhythms of day to day life, through looking out for those people who might need encouragement or through applying ourselves so that we can better serve the needs of others, shifts our focus and grows capacity.

The importance of service to others is a very strong common thread in Christianity and the research of positive psychology. Within positive psychology there is a recognition that service to others and living for something beyond ourselves is key to our wellbeing. Within Christianity we see service to others as a response to God’s love and the blessings He has given us. Through this response there is an outward flow of God’s love and grace that brings purpose, light and hope.
