Principal's Log

Principal's Log

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It was very good to see the large number of parents and students who attended the Year 12 Information Evening. Both parents and students commented that they found the evening extremely useful. Contemporary ways to support career decision-making, strategies for maximising academic achievement and social and emotional growth were valued. We thank Miss Kim Stone, Ms Nell Keen, Mrs Natasha Purcell and Ms Sue Arahill for their very effective presentations.

The new Year 12 certification process that our current Year 9 students will encounter in 2019 is continuing to be developed through the work of QCAA and the state government. The new system will involve both internal and external assessment. Current advice is that Year 12 students will have four pieces of assessment that will contribute to their final tertiary score. It is proposed that three of the assessments use the internal processes that occur now while the fourth will be an externally set and marked piece. A key component of the QCAA strategy has been to enhance the internal assessment processes across the state, which began last year. Part of this process has included additional training for District Review Panels and in the future will also involve the endorsement of internal assessment by the QCAA prior to students completing the tasks. Pacific has been involved in the endorsement process trial in the subjects of Physical Education and Modern History, with very positive feedback being received. Our Year 11 Modern History students will also participate in trialling external assessment processes in the middle of this year. Involvement in these processes enhances the assessment capability and learning for both our staff and students and we appreciate the leadership of Mr Gary Graves, Mrs Leigh Drogemuller and Mrs Elley Wood. 

A growth mindset was very evident at the Friends of Pacific meeting on Tuesday night, where parents reflected on ways to continue enhancing community connection in the College and ways to support the learning of young people. Planning for the OCEANfest is well underway and promises to be an outstanding community event. I would encourage all families to connect with members of the FoP Committee to discuss ways they can assist in the planning and staging of this important community event. We thank the FoP Executive, capably led by President Mrs Tracey Hindmarsh and the OCEANfest committee led by Mrs Melissa Pollack.

May God grant us hearts to feel His grace at work within us and through us. 

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
