Principal's Log

Principal's Log

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Included in newsletter

It was a delight to be part of the Year 7-12 Athletics Carnival this week. Tremendous spirit and energy was evident as students strived to do their best and encourage others. We witnessed very talented performances from highly skilled athletes with a number of records being broken as well as gutsy performances from athletes of all ability levels. Well done to all students for the character and spirit shown on the day and to Mr Brett Kersnovske, Mrs Natalie Campbell and the Physical Education staff for their organisation and leadership of the event. Thank you to the staff and parents who ran events well and to the Friends of Pacific BBQ team who provided much needed sustenance. Thank you also to parents for your attendance and support.

Each year at this time we invite families to provide feedback to the College which is used to inform future planning. The information collected also provides data required by the Federal Government as part of the annual school reporting process. Details and links for the survey were emailed home to parents on Wednesday of this week. We encourage all families to take the 5-10 minutes required to complete this short but important survey.

We concluded our student, parent, teacher conferences this week. Many Middle and Senior College students and their families took advantage of the opportunity to have a 10 minute focused conversation with their teachers to identify one or two strategies that students could employ to enhance their learning. These are always very worthwhile conversations for all involved and we thank parents, staff and students for making the time to engage in purposeful learning conversations together.

I encourage families to support the Friends of Pacific, Woolworths and Stockland fundraising opportunities described within their article later in this newsletter. It is a simple way for families who shop with these entities to provided additional resources for the students of the College.

My God help us to be effective communicators who build relationships through our interactions.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
