Principal's Log
Principal's Log
This year, Pacific will make history by sending one of our STEM projects into space. Along with schools in New South Wales, Pacific has been accepted into the Quberider program. Students will create a project incorporating science, mathematics or computing to send to the International Space Station to conduct experiments. We wish Georgia Woods, Matt Daniec, Keaton Dines, Cameron Heeney, Jy Flynn, Harry Stone, Liam Dines, Jackson Mikolic, Jodie Bradshaw and Cailem Leembruggen all the best as they engage in this wonderful learning opportunity and thank Mrs Janine Stone for her initiative and leadership in this area.
It was very good to see the energy and enthusiasm of our Year 10 parents and students as they came together to hear information about future pathways and subject selection. As well as hearing important information about processes, young people were encouraged to make the most of the opportunity they have each day to enhance their capacity to thrive in the next phase of their learning. We thank our parents and students for their support and express our strong appreciation to our Heads of Department and to our Director of Teaching and Learning, Ms Sue Arahill and Careers Counsellor, Mrs Natasha Purcell for their leadership of the evening.
The OCEANfest on Friday 19th August is fast approaching and is looking to be a fun-filled afternoon and evening as we join in bringing the Carnivale atmosphere from Rio to the Sunshine Coast. The final preparations are underway and we encourage all families to assist, as they are able. Further details about volunteering at this important community event will be emailed to families over the coming week. We thank Mrs Melissa Pollack, Mrs Jenny Lee and the OCEANfest Committee for all of their work in leading the preparations and we thank parents for your support.
As a College we thank you as a community for your response to our request for changed arrangements last Friday so that staff could attend Pastor Rick Zweck’s funeral. We have appreciated your support, given in a variety of ways and join with you in continuing to hold Mrs Sue Zweck and Mrs Anna Maher and their family in our prayers.
May God continue to help us to keep People the Focus, Learning the Purpose and Christ as our way.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal