Principal's Log

Principal's Log

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Included in newsletter

This week we celebrate the many people within community who make a difference through volunteering of their time. Every day at the College the lives of staff, students and parents are enriched because people volunteer to give of their time generously. As we read the newsletter there are people who have given of their time to support cultural activities such as Pippin and our music ensembles, community events through the Friends of Pacific, our student leadership groups, our sporting teams, outdoor education experiences, our teachers who spend extra time in planning enriching learning experiences or go the extra mile in supporting students or families, and those who provide extended learning opportunities through tutoring or special experiences such as the Da Vinci Decathlon. Volunteers have made and continue to make a very significant contribution to the richness of experience at Pacific. We say a very big thank you to all staff, students and parents who give generously of their time.

We wish Mrs Janine Delaney and the cast and crew of Pippin all the best for their performances of Pippin over the weekend. We look forward to enjoying the culmination of many hours of preparation and celebrating the considerable talent of our staff and students as we meet the mysterious performance troupe and learn of their stories.

We say a prayer of thanks for all of our volunteers and for those who give generously to volunteer their time. We also pray that God would equip us to grow in courage as we embrace and grow through the challenges that life brings.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
