Principal's Log
Principal's Log
Over the next week, families will receive copies of individual student Naplan results. As a College we celebrate the performance of our Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 cohorts where there were many individual excellent performances. All cohorts performed above state means in all areas and above national means in all areas other than Year 3 writing (PLC 416, Nat 425), Year 5 Writing (PLC 477, Nat 480), Yr 9 Writing (PLC 550, Nat 550.7) and Year 9 numeracy (PLC 587, Nat 587.9). Pacific continues to have very high participation rates in these tests and they provide one piece of important data for the full range of our learners, their families and the College. As a College, we examine and use results from an individual and cohort basis to plan for improvement in learning.
We were excited to learn that our Year 8, 11 and 12 students will exhibit art works at the Maroochy Botanic Gardens Art Gallery over the holiday period. The students took on the challenge to create a sense of wonder and awe and to encourage people to consider their connections to nature and its benefits through the pieces they produced. The Year 8 students had the opportunity to draw animals they found at the gardens and to reflect on their colours, habitat and food. Year 11 and 12 students had been inspired through their visits to the Mary Cairncross scenic reserve. We thank Mrs Denise McMahon for her enriching leadership of learning in the visual arts and Mrs Marshall for curating the exhibition. We would encourage families to enjoy the benefits of our botanic gardens and the creativity of our students through a visit to the gardens.
Our Year 11 and 12 students raised important funds and donated blankets and bedding to support the work of the Integrated Family and Youth Services (IFYS) through their participation in the Sleep Out for the Homeless last Friday night. As well as supporting IFYS, students had the opportunity to appreciate the benefits of ready access to food, shelter and water in their daily lives. We thank our senior students and teachers Mrs Leigh Finter, Mrs Leah Croke, Mrs Angela Hill and Mr Alex O’Connor for their leadership.
We celebrate that both Amedy Buchanan and Abigail Tracey have both very successfully completed their Young Endeavour sailing experience. Both students are to be congratulated on their selection into this competitive program. We also congratulate Amedy on being awarded the Young Endeavour Award which is presented to one participant for each voyage. We look forward to hearing from both students about their adventure at an assembly and through the newsletter next term.
We wish the PLC Thoroughbreds Division 1 Team all the best for their grand final this weekend. The final will be held at Caloundra District Netball courts on Saturday 18th September at 10.30am. We hope to see a strong contingent of supporters. We also thank all of the coaches, managers and umpires of our Saturday netball club for their commitment, and our parents for their support. The Executive Committee for our PLC Netball Club has worked tirelessly over this past twelve months and we thank them for their leadership. We particularly acknowledge the service of outgoing President, Mr Trevor Colton who has been very generous in his support of Club PLC netball in his role. His passion, commitment, attention to detail and strategic focus has left the club with a firm foundation from which to build a very strong future. A special mention also to outgoing committee members Mrs Trisha McFadyen (Communications) and Ms Ann Johnston (Community) for everything they have done for PLC Netball. We also thank our Head of Netball Development Mrs Michell Duffy for her commitment, passion and enthusiasm.
I hope that all staff, students and families find time to rest, connect and rejuvenate through the change of rhythm that school holidays provide. We pray that God would enrich mind, body and soul through our connections with family, friends and nature.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal