Principal's Log

Principal's Log

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Included in newsletter

Thank you to our staff, students and parents who have moved so quickly and effectively into home learning.  The students are to be congratulated on the way they have engaged with the home learning environment so readily.  We appreciate the support from parents for following the advice of only having the children of essential workers at the College.  This has meant that we have been able to provide greater opportunity for our teachers to work from home.  We understand that having your children at home has put greater demands on families as you juggle the normal rhythms of family life with work and supporting the learning of young people.  

We are very grateful to our teachers and staff who have worked longer hours to prepare learning and online spaces to ensure that we have had a smooth transition.  A particular thank you to Mrs Leanne Bevis who worked over the weekend to publish communication for families and to our IT staff, Mr Steve Rattey and Mr Tim Ambrose for calmly providing considerable support to families and the College.

Many Year 8 families used the opportunity to connect with Mrs Hall and the Heads of Department for the Year 9 2022 Information Evening.  We are very appreciative of the extra time given by our Heads of Department over the last 3 weeks as they have been engaged in our various subject Information Evenings.  Recordings for these evenings can be found on NAV.  Thank you to our families and students for also taking the time to engage.

Our Friends of Pacific team are still communicating with Aussie World and we will inform our community as the situation becomes clearer in the coming days.

Maintaining wellbeing and relationships is the priority for everyone through this period.  Families are encouraged to contact College staff for assistance as it is needed.  We have uploaded a Wellbeing document to NAV which can also be accessed with this link.

May God keep us all safe in his care and guide us to learn and grow through different circumstances.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
