Principal's Log
Principal's Log
This week we have celebrated the leadership that our young people bring into the community. With parents present, the Year 5 students ran their own Leadership Presentation Ceremony where they reflected what leadership meant and then presented each other with badges. In presenting badges to each other they were symbolising their interdependence and mutuality as leaders. The Year 11s enjoyed growing through their leadership day conducted by Lutheran Youth of Queensland. As the Year 11s reflected on themselves as leaders their focus shifted from their role as a leader, to that of leading together with and for community. Many of the Year 11s were surprised and pleased that the aspirations that they had as a cohort of leaders were the same. Leading together involves seeing and lifting up the strengths of others. We thank the students for their leadership, parents for their attendance, Mr Davis and the Year 5 teachers for their new way of seeing and empowering student leadership and Ms Finter for her organisation of the Year 11 day.
As part of our twentieth-year celebrations we are providing opportunity for staff, parents and students to provide extensive feedback to inform planning as we move into the next twenty years. The research is being conducted by MMG, an educational consultancy firm that specialises in strategic reviews and stakeholder satisfaction. Parents are encouraged to ensure they have read the email communication sent on Monday 19th July.
This week has seen families engage in online or phone parent, teacher and student conferences and Year 11 subject information sessions. We thank staff, parents and students for taking advantage of these times to share information and strengthen learning opportunities.
This week we farewelled Ms Maddy Dearnaley who has been at the College for one day a week as a Teacher Librarian. We have been very appreciative to share her love of literature and reading with our community and her generous and professional contribution to our library team. It has been a delight to see Ms Dearnaley grow and now have the opportunity to lead in a full-time capacity at St Paul’s in Brisbane. We wish her all the best for this exciting new venture.
May God grant us the ability to truly see and encourage others.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal