Principal's Log

Principal's Log

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It has been enjoyable to be able to walk and talk to staff and students on campus, to connect with students online and to also engage with families through Zoom interviews as we have conducted Prep interviews in an online environment. In all contexts, the high value that we all naturally place on having connection with other people has come through strongly. As our Year 2 to 10 students return, it will be the face to face connections that people will be looking forward to most.

The return of Year 2 to 10 students next Monday will necessitate changes for everyone in the community. It is important that we all understand and follow the practices and expectations that are being put into place to protect the health and safety of our community. Families should ensure that they have read the communication sent on Wednesday afternoon and also read the material specifically for Prep to Year 5 and Year 6-12 families that will be sent tomorrow.

Finally, a huge thank you to all of our parents, staff and students for the way you have navigated, learnt and grown together.  We are a great crew!

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
