Principal's Log
Principal's Log
The perfect weather conditions on Friday evening added to the ambience as we enjoyed jazz performances from soloists, duets and the Pacific Jazz Ensemble. As the moon rose, we enjoyed a range of food professionally prepared and served by our Hospitality students and relaxed as the rich tones of jazz surrounded us. Thank you to our grounds staff and Friends of Pacific for their set up and pack down. Thank you to parents, staff and students who attended and made the evening a success. Thank you and congratulations to our staff and students who performed on Friday night, capably led by Mrs Aleisha Tuaine and Mr Adrian King and to our Hospitality students who prepared and served tasty food under the expert guidance of Mrs Colleen Beattie.
At the Kings Beach Dawn Service on Monday, Pastor Arthur Fry highlighted the importance of young people participating in Anzac Day commemoration events. Staff and students showed their respect for the service of men and women and those affected by war through very strong attendance at the Dawn Service, the morning march and at the Centaur Retirement Village where Year 6 students participated in a special ceremony. The College also held a service on Tuesday morning. Amongst the very strong thread of valuing service and courage in local and international services, there was recognition of the futility of war and the importance of people working for peace.
Staff and students very much enjoyed the activities supported by the library in their celebration of Shakespeare week. As well as being able to dress in costumes from the era and participate in a variety of games and activities, staff and students were also able to enjoy short excerpts of Shakespeare’s plays, performed by the Year 7 Drama students. We thank Ms Nell Keen and the library staff for providing the opportunity for us to be immersed in this important cultural event.
We hold the St Andrews Lutheran College community in our prayers after they lost a number of senior school facilities in a fire this week. As well as damage to learning spaces, teachers and senior students lost important learning material, personal equipment and resources. As we would understand, the loss of these materials has had significant personal impact on people within the college. As a community we can assist by contributing to the cost of replacing materials not covered by insurance, for those families who would find the replacement of these materials a significant challenge. Details of the ways in which we can provide support will be provided next week.
We thank God for the people of this community who give generously of their time and gifts in so many different ways for the betterment of others. It is what energises and gives us joy and purpose.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal