Principal's Log

Principal's Log

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Included in newsletter

Our teachers, students and parents are to be congratulated on the way they have navigated a complex week of learning and community. The positive energy that has flowed around the College as staff and students have grown capacity to engage with each other digitally and maintain effective learning in the face to face setting, while also supporting students at home, has been uplifting. A strong focus on calm, positive purposefulness has pervaded our community. Thank you to those parents who have expressed their appreciation to staff. A standing ovation to you all!

With the Premier’s announcement today, there will be a change to routines and modes of learning at the College. Communication about these changes, including the announcement of student free days for next week, has been sent home to parents via email and via Parent Lounge on TASS. Students and staff were also informed today via email. All parents, staff and students are asked to ensure they have read this communication which announces that next week (Monday 30th March to Friday 3rd April) will be student free and that we will commence online delivery of learning from Monday 20th April. As per advice in the letter, the College will remain open for students whose family circumstance necessitates that they attend school next week and for the start of Term 2. Families wishing to send students to the College are asked to complete the survey via the link contained in the letter.

As this is the last newsletter before Easter, we trust that all families find the time to reflect on the great gift of grace that God has given each of us through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Through His forgiveness, we are free to live hope-filled lives.

May God bless you all and keep you safe over the coming month.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
