Principal's Log

Principal's Log

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Included in newsletter

There was considerable energy and joy at the Junior and Middle College discos last Friday night. The Year 9 and 12 leaders and disc jockey Brendan West set a great atmosphere for both groups. We thank Brendan and the student leaders, the Friends of Pacific for providing the barbecue and drinks, Mr Damian Davis, Mr Mark Hauser and Mr Ben Ryan for their organisation and to our Heads of House and teachers for their involvement, support and supervision. Thank you to our parents and students for supporting the event so strongly.

At the end of the term, we thank Acting Head of Staff and Students P-5, Mr Damian Davis and Acting Head of Music, Mr Steven Lake for their leadership throughout Term 1. Their capable leadership, energy, enthusiasm and generosity of time was greatly appreciated by staff, students and parents. We also thank P-5 PE teacher Mrs Rosilyn Grewar, Music teacher Mrs Jenna Woodforth and Year 4 teacher Mr Scott Massie who have very capably fulfilled contract roles through this time. Students, parents and staff have greatly appreciated the professionalism, warmth and capacity of these three staff.

We look forward to welcoming back Mr David Druery as Head of Staff and Students P-5 and Mrs Aleisha Tuaine as Head of Music. We wish Mrs Elley Wood and her family every blessing as she takes maternity leave for the remainder of the year. Mr Rhys Hurren who has most recently taught at St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace will be teaching Mrs Wood’s classes and Mrs Tina Cox will be Acting Head of English and Humanities through this time.

We thank all of our staff for their tremendous commitment over this first term to providing the best possible learning experiences for our young people. Thank you to our parents and students for your engagement and support. The tremendous goodwill and generosity of spirit that exists in staff, students and parents shapes a rich community for young people to grow within. We trust that you all have a well-earned break where you are able to connect with family and friends and with nature.

May God bless you and fill you with His grace and love over the Easter break.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
