Principal's Log

Principal's Log

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Over the past few weeks senior students have been engaged in interviews and voting to select the leaders for 2019.  Mr Brendan Delaney, Ms Kim Bonello and the Heads of House - Mr Peter McMahon, Mr Mark Hauser and Ms Leigh Finter were impressed with the depth of thinking and commitment shown by all students who engaged in the leadership process.  We congratulate the following students who have been selected as leaders by staff and their peers for next year.  We pray that God would guide and enrich them as they begin the process of working alongside the 2018 leaders to grow into these roles.

College Captains

  • College Captains:  Rebekah Pierce, Michael Hewitt
  • College Vice Captains: Georgia Harle, Stephanie Keenan, Joseph Higginson, Jackson Laverick

Pacific Action Group Captains

  • Academic: Reuben Taverner
  • Cultural: Hayley Meekan
  • Environmental: Lauren Selby
  • Pastoral Care: Lily Chamberlain
  • Spirituality and Service: Rebekah Pierce
  • Sport: Sam Henderson and Allyssa Rabnott 

House Captains

  • Bula Captains:  Alannah Bell, Olivia Lyons, Vivienne Casley, Lauren McCluskey
  • Mumba Captains:  Tamika Cheney and Austin Beasley
  • Wira Captains:  Nathan Heinz, Ella Block, Laslo Martin, Tahlia McGregor

On Monday morning Year 9 students left for their 12-day expedition experience in Northern New South Wales with teachers Mr Duncan McNee, Mr Chris Mundey, Mr Chris Bartlett and Mr Nick Tait.  All reports are that the students and staff are enjoying this unique outdoor education experience and are appreciative of the opportunity to connect to nature and each other.  


As the Churches football season draws to a close we express our appreciation to all parents and students who have supported the Pacific Football Club.  We particularly express our thanks to the executive committee that is very capably led by Mr Matt Gigney for their hours of service and the goodwill they have shared as they have provided a great opportunity for young people to grow.

Next term Head of Sport, Mr Brett Kersnovske and Year 5 teacher, Mrs Fiona Schefe will be taking leave. We look forward to welcoming back Mrs Lu Pollard who will be returning from long service leave.  Mrs Natalie Campbell will be the Acting Head of Sport and Mr Scott Massey will be taking Mrs Schefe class for Term 4.  Ms Rosalyn Grewar will be teaching Mr Kersnovske’s physical education classes. We wish Mr Kersnovske and Mrs Schefe every blessing for their time of rest and relaxation.

May God grow our capacity to make decisions that bring benefit to us as individuals and for others.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
