Principal's Log
Principal's Log
All families should have received a copy of the Compass Review and the annual update of developments at the College in the post this week. An email has been sent encouraging all families to take the opportunity to provide feedback via the annual survey that will inform the next cycle of strategic planning to occur in October of this year. Families will have the opportunity to have a voice about future developments at the College through this online survey and also give feedback about the potential addition of trousers as an option for the girl’s uniform.
One of the key drivers for the new construction was the ability to centralise our student wellbeing services which will be relocated in the refurbishment of the current administration building. The Student Wellbeing Services Centre will accommodate the College Counsellor, College Pastor and the Heads of House making it easier for students across P-12 to access the services of this team.
Congratulations to our Year 3-6 Athletics team who were both the percentage and aggregate champions for the Lutheran Primary Athletics carnival last week and performed well at the Independent District Athletics carnival on Tuesday. Thank you to Mr Darren Hooper and his team for the support and development of these students and organisation of the Lutheran carnival.
Thank you to the many Year 9 families and students who took advantage of the opportunity to learn about the exciting range of opportunities that exist for students as they enter Year 10 at our Year 9 into 10 Subject Selection Evening held earlier this week. Thank you to Ms Arahill, Mrs Purcell and the Heads of Department for their leadership of the evening.
We pray that God would open all people’s hearts to mutual respect and understanding.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal