Principal’s Log

Principal’s Log

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Included in newsletter

National Reconciliation Week is a time as community where we can learn about our shared history, cultures and how we can contribute to achieving reconciliation within our country. National Reconciliation Week occurs from 27th May until 3rd June each year. This year’s theme of “Be A Voice for Generations” is encouraging Australians to grow in their understanding of our shared past and to work together towards reconciliation. As part of this process of growing towards reconciliation, communities are encouraged to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan. Mr Damian Davis, Head of Staff and Students P– 5 is leading this process for the Pacific community. I would encourage all members of our community to read the article that Mr Davis has written later in this newsletter.

We congratulate our Year 5 and 7 teams who competed in the State competition of the Da Vinci Challenge this week. We congratulate Kimika Conrad, Jessica Cronin, Fletcher Friend, Nicole Hodgett, Catherine Maclean, Sabine Michel-Power, Paris Pohlner, Asha Rudes, Liam Cronin, Ashlan Hill, Luke Noovao, Vivienne Padwick, Scarlett van den Hurk, Olive Wadey and Eli Woolgrove on their outstanding achievements. We thank Mrs Julie Darr, Mr Andrew Block, Ms Adelle Byerlee and Mrs Linda Sydes for their leadership and support of these teams.

We congratulate Mrs Janine Delaney and the cast and crew for an outstanding production of Pippin. Brilliant direction supported by clever costuming and staging, and very talented performances and choreography provided a fast-paced thoroughly entertaining production where the magic shone through. The combination of illusion, dancing, music, singing, humour, and masterful storytelling had us moving and waiting in anticipation for what would unfold next. Well done to the many people who through their very talented, professional, creative, and capable leadership and encouragement enabled the student talent to shine through.  Congratulations and thank you to Mrs Janine Delaney for her direction, Mr Neil Booth for his musical direction, Yr 12 student Lillian Atkinson for her choreography, Ms Georgie Snelling as production manager and promotion, Mrs Tracy Hickey for costume and prop management, Mrs Helen Williams and Mr Paul Cusick as rehearsal assistants and band members, Ms Jasmin Groves and Mrs Mel Percival as stage assistants, Mrs Wanda Hayes as microphone manager, Mrs Julie Darr as the Qlab manager, and Mrs Samantha Barrass for marketing and program design. Thank you to Mrs Simone Shaw, Mrs Leanne Bevis, Mrs Ange Hill, Mr Mike Healy and Mrs Shannon Russell for their varied support. It was great to see past students Jasmin Groves, Liam Russell, Makani Campbell and Alyssa O’Sullivan providing their support.  Thank you to the parents of our cast and crew for their support over many weeks of rehearsal and to our community for being enthusiastic supporters of the performance.

On Tuesday night we had the first of our Pacific Learning Hub presentations led by Dr Justin Coulson. Over 160 parents registered to join us for the evening.  Parents enjoyed the opportunity to connect with each other as they appreciated the canapes and beverages provided by our talented hospitality team and to learn as they reflected on the entertaining and thought-provoking presentation provided by Dr Coulson. We thank our Head of Students, Senior College, Ms Leigh Finter for her organisation of the event, our hospitality team for their wonderful fare and service and our parents for your support of the evening.

We pray that God would enable us to be people who encourage others. We also pray that God would help us to see our mutuality with all of creation and equip us to be people who can restore and reconcile.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
