The Power of Encouragement
The Power of Encouragement
As we encourage people, we can give them the courage to take on new experiences and stretch themselves to step out of their comfort zone. As we encourage, we share our belief in who and what someone can be. Encouragement helps people to grow in self-confidence and belief. It can generate energy and inspire people to continue to embrace and grow through challenges. Encouragement can lift people up, broaden perspectives and enable people to see possibilities. As we encourage, we generate hope and nurture the growth of courageous action in our friends, peers, co-learners, and family members. Encouragement is contagious. As we encourage, an attitude and atmosphere of “can do” is generated.
God encourages us within the Bible to see ourselves as loved parts of his creation, known to him, down to the hairs on our heads. We are encouraged to be people who spread love and hope, to be encouragers who see the possibility in ourselves and others. With God at our side, we can step forward boldly.