Positive Schools Movement

Positive Schools Movement

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The positive schools movement has continued to grow in Australia and around the world. As we are approaching the end of Semester 1, it’s good to reflect on where the PERMA model sits within Pacific’s approach to student wellbeing. The PERMA model aligns to our Christian values and Lutheran theology. Its primary goal is to enable all members of the Pacific community to live rich, full, meaningful lives and also to flourish. The term flourish, as described by Dr Seligman, is about feeling good and doing good.

The PERMA model includes:

  • Positive emotions / feeling good;
  • Engagement / finding flow;
  • Relationships / authentic connections;
  • Meaning / purposeful existence; and
  • Achievement / a sense of accomplishment.

In a Christian sense, PERMA is about developing ourselves as good moral citizens who contribute to society and act with care, dignity and respect. We aim to grow the emotional intelligence of our students so they can consciously engage in activities that benefit others. PERMA helps us reflect and grow in a positive way so that we have the capacity to serve as the Gospels ask us.

Mr Brendan Delaney, Director of Students