Positive Education Conference

Positive Education Conference

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This week, members of our Positive Schools team attended the Positive Schools Conference in Brisbane. The Australian Positive Schools movement, of which Pacific is part of, aims to build happy, healthy, flourishing school communities. The Conference was full of scintillating speakers and had a wonderful atmosphere of learning and sharing. The focus for this year was growing the art of resilience in young people. Lectures and workshops focused on understanding resilience through compassion, developing flexibility and mindfulness with a vibrancy for life. How to improve staff and student wellbeing, the science of achievement, the power of healthy mindsets and how wellbeing predicts success were also looked at. The latest technology to support healthy thinking was demonstrated and a new look at why honesty is important was explored. Staff who attended will be sharing their learning with the Pacific community over the coming months.

Next Tuesday 23rd May, Year 9 student leaders will be attending Altitude Day at the Maroochydore RSL. Our Year 9 leaders will work with student leaders from a range of Sunshine Coast schools to live their passion, challenge themselves, recruit mentors, make a plan, take action and develop a champion mindset.

We are still seeking collectors for the Red Shield Appeal on Sunday 28th May. Anyone who is able to assist is invited to contact the Middle/Senior College Administration Office. The College is also holding a casual clothes day on Wednesday 24th May to raise money for the Salvation Army.

Mr Brendan Delaney, Director of Students