PLC Netball Club

PLC Netball Club

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

It’s hard to believe, but we’re now halfway through the season! A highlight for the season so far has been the way in which all of the teams are developing and improving week to week. 

In particular, I would like to mention our U11 Division 2 PLC Ponies. This team consists of a group of girls who are playing their first year of netball. As this is an U11 team, some of the teams they play have been together for as long as five years; which is a difficult proposition for your first year of competitive sport. On the weekend, the Ponies played Tibro who defeated them 25-3 when they played earlier in the season. The girls showed tremendous grit and determination, but fell just short being defeated 10-8 in a game that could have gone either way. The team spirit, endeavour and willingness to learn and improve is a credit to all. Well done, PLC Ponies!

We also congratulate April Romagnoli who has successfully completed her ‘National C’ umpiring accreditation. This achievement means that April is qualified to umpire any game; junior, senior or women with the Caloundra Netball Association.

Mr Trevor Colton, PLC Netball Club President
