PLC Netball Club
PLC Netball Club
PLC Netball are preparing for our second grading round robin this Saturday. Caloundra District Netball Association will release the full schedule this week and have confirmed that the broad schedule will be the same as last week, Div 1-7 in the morning, Div 8-11, NET and GO in the afternoon.
It was great to see our netballers returning to the court last week, and we're looking forward to another great season!
We're still looking for an umpiring convenor to support and mentor our PLC umpires, if you have umpiring experience and can help to develop our umpires, we would love to hear from you to discuss how you can contribute to this important aspect of the PLC netball community.
Don’t forget to follow us on social media – Facebook and Instagram.
We welcome all new and returning players!!
Your PLC Netball Club Committee
President – Doug McKinnon |
Secretary – Peta King |
Registrar – Karen Costa |
Facebook: PLC Netball Club
Instagram: PLC Netball Club
Mr Doug McKinnon, PLC Netball Club President