PLC Netball

PLC Netball

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Included in newsletter

Well what a day the CDNA Carnival was on Sunday!  We were off to a poor start with both Caitlin and Tayla going down with ankle injuries, but on the positive it could only get better from there and it did.

Well done to your Ponies who finished runners up and to our Palominos, who whilst finishing equal first, were place third on goal difference.  For all of the other teams is was an enjoyable day for parents and players alike.  A special thank you to all of those who helped out on the day in different ways.

A reminder that team photos are on after school in the gym of 22 August from 15:00.  Please make every effort to be there are the photos will be handed out at the presentation night, which is on 23 September at Laser Zone.

Our players of the week are:

  • PLC Thoroughbreds – Gabby Gorham;
  • PLC Arabians – Eloise Greenland;
  • PLC Fillies – Ainslie Colton;
  • PLC Ponies – Kirra Burdett-Cluer;
  • PLC Palominos – Taylor Mikolic;
  • PLC Mustangs – Kahlia Taylor  

Mr Trevor Colton, PLC Netball President
