PLC Blake Prize

PLC Blake Prize

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And the winners are…
This year, the PLC Blake Prize blossomed into a mature event, as it now five years old! There was a high standard of entrants with an increase of participants from the Middle and Senior College Pastoral Care Groups. Once again, the Junior and Foundation College students entered the competition with class collaborations. Each year it is interesting to see the diverse pieces of art as well as the deep thinking behind the pieces.

The judges, Tim Lofthouse (past student) and Juliette Warnes (In School Trainer – Lutheran Youth of Queensland) found judging this year’s competition challenging in a good way. They stated, “We found the judging process to be a lot more difficult than first expected, with several pieces of a high standard. We wanted to look at the pieces comprehensively, considering both the message and delivery equally. Our top five artworks were selected based on their ability to creatively communicate a powerful message and appeal to a broad audience”.

The overall winner was Bee Kind (Bula 7). “Bee Kind” allows the audience to relate to the old Proverb in a sense of comfort and happiness. The piece was visually pleasing with multi-layered components and a clear message:  Bee Kind. We loved the intricacy of the glue.

The other winners were as follows:

“Prayer Catcher” (Bula 5): Prayer messages are caught on the wind to be sent forth. This piece is quite striking. It is obvious a lot of effort went into its creation and installation. It resonates with a youth audience.

“God’s Grace” (Bula 6): Each of these pages represents a new beginning and with each new day comes a beginning. This contemporary piece is clean and thought provoking. The message is deep and moving. The intentionality of the message was powerful.

“Festival Jesus” (Wira 4): “Festival Jesus” blossoms within each and every person. We thank God for sacrificing His only Son. The process of this piece appears extensive. It is visually engaging with striking colours and textures.

“Sunflowers” (Year 2): God created the flowers and everything they need. We can be like flowers and trust God to look after us too. The scale of this installation is impressive with multiple elements relaying a feel good vibe!

Well done to all participants this year. We look forward to seeing what the Pacific Lutheran College community has to offer in next year’s competition.

Mrs Denise McMahon and Miss Michelle McMillan, PLC Blake Prize Coordinators
