Personal Development - Mindstar

Personal Development - Mindstar

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This term in Personal Development lessons, Year 7, 8 and 10 will complete three sessions of the Mindstar program. Mindstar is a student wellbeing program that aims to teach simple strategies that will improve student wellbeing and resilience.

Session one: focuses on how the brain works, why it challenges our thinking and provides simple relaxation strategies that can be used in everyday life.

Session two: focuses on difficult thoughts and emotions and provides strategies to deal with them effectively.

Session three: focuses on values, what really matters to each individual and then incorporates those values to create a personal wellbeing plan.

The Mindstar program shares overlapping themes and applications with PERMA and positive psychology including helping individuals to set positive goals, building on positive strengths and introducing mindfulness practices. If parents would like to learn more about Mindstar, please visit:  You can now choose to connect with your choice of psychologist, social worker or counsellor by phone, face to face or by using Mindstar’s secure video platform.