Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

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Referred to as the negative bias, humankind is hardwired to experience the negative more strongly than the positive. I am sure that if you cast your mind back, this may well be true of your own life’s experiences. Whilst this is considered a normal human disposition, it is crucial that we train our brain to hold on to the good stuff that occurs and this can be achieved through demonstrating gratitude, committing random acts of kindness or savouring God’s creation.

While this year presented restrictions, it also provided opportunities to do things differently. As we were required to limit the mixing of age groups as best we could, the Middle and Senior College had to pivot to a horizontal structure for pastoral care, hence the need for Pastoral House Groups (PHGs).

It is testament to our exceptionally caring staff at the College, that this change was relatively smooth. In a positive sense, it provided greater opportunities for staff to learn more about other students and for students to learn more about their peers. Underlying this structure was a constancy in the provision of authentic care for all students. The Latin term ‘cura personalis’ (care for the whole person) most associated with Jesuit education, has definitely been exhibited by the staff who have had an important role in not only getting to know the individual, but also, in helping them to navigate the year. This is witnessed within PHGs, our learning spaces and in the many co-curricular offerings.

We are pleased to announce, subject to any COVID restrictions, we will be reverting back to Pastoral Care Groups (PCGs) in 2021. Understandably there may be some questions as to what this means for your young person. To this end, please reach out to your child’s Head of House, Mr Mark Hauser (Head of Senior College Students), or myself, if you have any aspects you would like clarified. In brief, your child will be assigned the same PCG that they had at the commencement of 2020.

Finishing Well

Over the coming weeks there is a tremendous amount of end of year activities occurring both in and out of school hours. Regardless of the event, or your child’s involvement, it is expected that each student engages positively and purposefully. We encourage all students to finish well and to take pride in their schooling over the coming weeks.


A reminder that all students are required to wear a helmet whilst cycling to and from school. It is important that this habit becomes second nature. Students should be aware that it is law to do so and, in keeping with community expectations, those who are seen without a helmet will be followed up with by their Head of House.

Mr Ben Ryan, Director of Students