Parent /Teacher Conferences Term 3

Parent /Teacher Conferences Term 3

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

Student reports are in the Parent-Lounge at the end of Terms 2 and 4.

Your child’s report will show their progress which includes:

•          where your child is on the learning continuum (the levels used to measure learning)

•          how they're progressing to meet the next level of achievement

•          where they need to improve and what the next steps are.

In Week 3 of Term 3, you can book a time to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their report. Teachers will let you know when they are available. These parent meetings are for you to:

•          Meet and get to know each other.

•          build a positive relationship.

•          share information about your child's interests and learning.

•          talk more in-depth about your child's student report.

Parent/teacher conferences are valuable. They can help the teacher understand more about your child. You can also learn where you can help your child in their learning.

Before the conference

•          Read your child's report and think about what you want to discuss.

•          Write a list of questions you want to ask the teacher.

•          Ask your child if there are any questions they would like you to ask, or if there is anything they would like you to tell the teacher.

•          Ask your child what they think the teacher will tell you.

•          Think about anything you'd like to tell the teacher. For example, if there have been changes that have had an impact on your child.

During the conference

•          If you want to ask about a specific thing, let the teacher know at the start of the conference.

•          Write down answers to your questions so you can share them with your child.

•          Ask about how your child is enjoying school and taking part in class.

•          Ask about any behaviour issues.

•          Let the teacher know any information you think they need about your child.

•          You and the teacher may create a plan for the next steps.

•          If you're unsure about anything, ask the teacher to explain further.

After the conference

•          Keep in regular contact with the teacher to follow up on your agreed plan.

•          Talk with your child about what you discussed. Talk about ways you can work together to improve their learning.

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Teaching and Learning K-5