Pacific as a Peace Place Survey and Enhancing Student Wellbeing Project

Pacific as a Peace Place Survey and Enhancing Student Wellbeing Project

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Included in newsletter

During assembly this week, Dr. Dolling and I introduced this year’s Pacific as a Peace Place Survey for Middle and Senior College students. This survey consists of a variety of workshops designed for students to explore how PLC can enhance student wellbeing and provide students with the opportunity to voice their ideas, concerns, and suggestions.  In addition to these workshops, students who demonstrate a particular interest in developing a plan to enhance student wellbeing at Pacific will be invited to form a working action and implementation team.  This is a very exciting opportunity for all stakeholders to be part of the ‘Pacific We Want’ moving forward into the future.

Junior and Middle College Disco - ALWS Children of War Campaign and Harmony Week

We are proud to announce that tickets purchased for PLC’s Junior and Middle College Disco held on Friday 18th March will help raise money and awareness of the Australian Lutheran World Service’s Children of War Campaign. For more information about the campaign visit

Students from Prep-Year 5 will have a casual dress day on Friday the 18th and are encouraged to wear orange in support of National Harmony Week.  A gold coin donation will be collected at the beginning of the school day by classroom teachers and will be included in the money raised from disco tickets for ALWS’s Children of War Campaign.

For further information about the Junior and Middle College Disco and to purchase tickets, please click here.

Exciting Times for Our Year 12

Last Friday 11th March, the Year 12 students engaged in their final Lutheran Youth Queensland Leadership Day.  Originally planned for the commencement of the school year, this activity was postponed to Week 7 due to the challenging start of the year. This turned out to be a blessing as the Year 12 cohort appreciated quality time out of their normal academic classes to connect as a group and engage in fun, energizing activities to bring the Year 12 community together.

In the last week of Term One, Year 12 students will meet with their Year 2 buddies for the Teddy Bear’s Picnic.

The Year 12 cohort will have further opportunities to connect next term with a student-led BBQ lunch and a Retreat at Coolum’s Luther Heights in Week 9 of Term Two.

Ms Leigh Finter, Acting Director of Students