'Pacific As A Peace Place': National Day of Action Against Violence
'Pacific As A Peace Place': National Day of Action Against Violence
On Friday 18th March, we have a whole College focus on ‘Pacific As A Peace Place’ in recognition of the National Day of Action Against Bullying. We are one of many schools across Australia who are recognising this day. Last year, classes and Pastoral Care Groups produced a puzzle piece, which then created a picture, reflecting on Care, Dignity and Respect (pictured).
This year, all classes and Pastoral Care Groups from Kindergarten to Year 12 have contributed a puzzle piece again. On Friday, the puzzle pieces will be put together and placed in the College gym, so the whole community can reflect on ‘Care, Dignity and Respect.’
The devotion thread for this week is ‘resistance’. In a world of expectations and demands, a young person needs to learn ‘commonly proven’ resistance skills, such as: walking away, telling them to ‘stop’, calmly saying ‘no’, calling someone nearby to help/seeking support from friends, speaking with the person, or telling an adult. Over time, these skills can be refined so young adults are equipped for those times when they face pressures and may not know what action to choose or what to say. These skills assist people to make better choices and move forward when they are confronted with disappointment.
Each one of us can ‘take a stand together’ to make ‘Pacific A Peace Place’, through ‘Care, Dignity and Respect’ of others, property and self!