Overdue and Holiday Borrowing

Overdue and Holiday Borrowing

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Overdue notices were emailed home this week. Please ensure that any overdue library books are returned before the end of term. Students may then borrow an unlimited number of books over the holidays.

STEM Learning in the Library

Year 1 students have been reading If I Built a Car and Something Wonderful. After engaging in discussions about how the characters in the book develop designs, they have designed and built their own vehicles using recycled materials.

Prep and Year 2 students have been reading Wendy by Gus Gordon, who is next terms visiting author. Wendy is about a stunt-driver chicken who plans increasingly daring jumps. Students used this as a springboard to create ramps and jumps which they tested with toy cars to see which design would work best.

Finally, Year 3 students have been doing a research unit, looking at how spider webs are made. This involved student’s designing and creating their own spider web.

Ms Narelle Keen, Teacher Librarian
