

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

Last year, CareMonkey (the mobile health and safety program used by our Sports Department) rebranded and are now called Operoo. You may at times see communications relating to either of these programs, however moving forward in 2021 we will be referring to Operoo as our sports communications program. 

Thank you to the many families who have created and/or updated their Operoo accounts and student care profiles. Please remember, your profile and account are owned by you and as such, the College cannot update any details on your behalf i.e. email addresses.

For new families, if you have not yet seen an invitation to create your child’s profile, please check your Junk Mail folder in the first instance. If you cannot find the email request, please contact our Sports Aide Mrs Natalie Campbell: ncampbell@pacluth.qld.edu.au. Emails will come from Operoo Administrator and will generally have a subject heading stating, “Pacific Lutheran College is requesting…”.

If you require assistance with this program or your profile set up, please contact Mrs Campbell.
