Net Set GO!

Net Set GO!

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Included in newsletter

This week, the first Net Set GO session was held for our young Prep – Year 3 netballers. Students participated in a range of exciting activities, which focused on passing and pivoting. We had a great turnout of 86 players who will each receive a complimentary netball for participating in the program. Students can still register for the remaining three sessions through CareMonkey. We look forward to seeing everyone again next week when we move to footwork and long passing.

Next Thursday lunchtime is also the start of the Year 4-6 Netball Development Program. We look forward to seeing players from last year and some new faces who are excited about developing and extending their netball skills in preparation for next year. There are still places available in this program. If your son/daughter is keen to participate, please login to CareMonkey as soon as possible to register.

Ms Leigh Finter, Netball Coordinator
