Monday Night Netball

Monday Night Netball

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

The start of the Monday Night Netball season is always exciting with new hopes and aspirations for great things to come. To add to this excitement this year the new dress uniform is finally here! This dress is slightly different to the new PLC Netball Club uniform, so if your daughter is playing both, she will need to loan the Monday night uniform from Mrs Natalie Campbell and also purchase the club dress from the College uniform shop.

The girls have received their parent consent and information letters. These are to be returned to the College by Monday 8th February at the latest. 

This Friday, during normal sport time, our first official training session will be held and girls will find out their team and coach for the session. As Year 7 students will be on camp, I will hold a brief meeting with them during lunchtime next week to organise their dresses and inform them of their team and coach.

Each week results and the following week’s draw will be published in the Compass newsletter and the Monday Night Netball Schoology Group. 

I look forward to another exciting season of Monday Night Netball. 

Mrs Leigh Drogemuller, Netball Coordinator
