Making a Difference Through Supporting Others

Making a Difference Through Supporting Others

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

There are many different ways in which we can support people in our community.  We can do this directly or through supporting people and organisations that meet people’s needs.  During this month of May, Pacific families have been donating food and other household items to support people in the Caloundra community through the work of the Salvation Army.  On Sunday a number of our students will be door-knocking for the Red Shield Appeal.  For a number of them this will be after a busy week and weekend of performing in the College’s Three Musketeers Production.  They will be using their hearts, hands and feet to make a difference for members of the local community.

Many of us would have taken note of the simplicity of Preacher Michael Curry’s message as part of the royal wedding over the weekend.  By acting in love towards our fellow man in every aspect of our lives, many, if not all of our personal, family, work, national and global problems would disappear.  Elegantly simple but strangely hard for us to do.

We can influence our corner of the world by taking on this mantra of acting out of love.  Through supporting the Salvation Army, we put our love into action.  What would be different if our prime motivator was to let go of self and act out of love for others in all that we do? What problems for us would disappear?  How much more energy would we have?

Jesus told his disciples, that the two great commandments were to love God with all your heart, mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself.  We can change the world, one act at a time.  If all of the Pacific community were to embrace this at the same time that would be a pulse of great good emanating from over 3000 people. 
