Looking Ahead - Term 4
Looking Ahead - Term 4
Students commence Term 4 on Tuesday 3rd October.
Chess Mates
Chess Mates will run classes afterschool on Tuesdays during Term 4. If your child is interested in attending, please contact the Junior College Admin Office (during term time) to collect the relevant documentation.
Year 5 Camp
As Year 5 students are attending camp in Week 1 of next term, parents are reminded that permission forms need to be returned as soon as possible. Further, before attending camp, parents may need to update their child’s medical information to include any illnesses that may arise over the holidays.
Bike Week 7th – 15th October
Bike Week is a nine-day celebration of cycling on the Sunshine Coast and aims to encourage participation in cycling while promoting road safety messages. There is a packed schedule of events over the nine-days, most of which are free, including cycle workshops for children, supervised and directed rides for the whole family, BMX and mountain bike activities and classes. For further details and registration, search for ‘cycling workshops’ on: www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
Grandparents Day and Student Art Exhibition
Next Term, on Friday 20th October, we welcome grandparents and family friends to the College for our annual Grandparents Day. The morning offers students the opportunity to show and involve their extended families in their daily experiences at school. Visitors will spend time in classrooms before attending morning tea and enjoying a variety of student musical performances. Further details and a program for the event will be sent home next term. On the same day, the K-12 Student Art Exhibition will also be held starting at 6.00pm in the Pacific Art Gallery.
Mr David Druery, Head of Staff and Students P-5