Lions Youth of the Year
Lions Youth of the Year
Monday night saw the close of round 1 of Lions Youth of the Year competition at the Lake Currimundi-Kawana Lions Club. The Lions Youth of the Year competition is a competition designed to engage and develop the burgeoning skills of exceptional young people. The competition is well known for the public speaking element, this is only a small component of the contest and accounts only for 30 of the 100 points.
Franklin, Evie and Danica from our captaincy team were our representatives for this club round. They were required to complete a rigorous application form documenting their involvement in our College and community. They then had to attend an interview on Saturday with a panel of judges where they spoke about their achievements and explained their thinking on current affair issues. Finally, on Monday night, they shared a dinner meeting with the Lions where their speaking tasks impressed all.
Our students represented PLC admirably, engaging in warm conversations with the Lions, the judges and local councillors. Our captains delivered two impromptu speeches where topics were given at the last minute, they had to attempt to gather their thoughts and formulate a 2-minute response. The two topics, if you want to test yourself, were:
1. Has technology made us lazy?
2. What impact do you think celebrities and influencers have on youth?
All of our students spoke for the allocated time and presented original and thoughtful ideas. Finally, students presented a 5-minute prepared speech on a topic of their choice. All the prepared speeches from the students left the audience in awe.
Franklin was named winner of the public speaking component of the competition and overall winner. He will now move on to the next round of the competition.
The other captains will engage in the Caloundra Lions Club competition on Saturday this week. We congratulate Evie, Danica and Franklin who were excellent competitors and excellent representatives of our College. We also thank the Lions Club of Lake Currimundi-Kawana for the opportunity to participate.
Mrs Rae Hall, Head of Department - English