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Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge has now opened for students in Prep to Year 9. To successfully complete the challenge, students are required to read or experience the following number of books during the reading period from 7 May to 23 August.

  • Prep to Year 2 – 20 books or experiences
  • Year 3 to 4 – 20 books
  • Year 5 to 9 – 15 books

In 2023, over 110,000 children participated, collectively reading more than 1.5 million books.

To register for the challenge, go to

ANZAC Day craft in the library

Last week, students were invited to make a poppy wristband to commemorate ANZAC Day. Students designed their own wristband or used a template, wrote a message, coloured-in the poppy and band, then cut it out and connected the band together. Well done to all the students who took part.

Year 5 Kindness Projects

This semester, Year 5 library lessons are focusing on the topic of kindness. Students have been reading books about kindness, designing a craft project to show kindness to someone else. Pictured, are some of the kindness rocks that students have made to be put out in the environment for other people to find. Other students have been making friendship bracelets, creating bookmarks, crocheting gifts, creating kindness jars and much more. Later, students will be undertaking a research project comparing the work of various charities.

Ms Nell Keen, Teacher Librarian
