Leadership Day

Leadership Day

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The Year 9 leaders recently attended a leadership day. Noah Beasley and Olivia Gartrell spoke about the experience at the Middle College assembly. This is what they said…

The character trait of leadership is quintessential and innate in all people. The nurturing of this quality is crucial to build confidence, humility and positivity and this nurturing is exactly what was applied through the immensely inspiring altitude day. Throughout the day, we heard inspirational speakers, discussed aspirations and goals as well as how to integrate positivity into every day. Being a leader isn’t about telling people what to do or think but paving a path of positivity and showing them the way to lead a better, happier life. Now, I’m sure you’re listening to me stand here and talk about happiness and positivity thinking “who cares”. But, let me assure you, the lessons the Year 9 leaders cohort learnt at the leadership day were of vast importance and will stay with us on our journey through school and later life. So, it is my privilege to pass these teachings on to you in a hope that you may also gain as much as I did from the altitude day experience. I encourage you to go out and meet new people. Share your experiences with others and always say yes. Take advantage of the opportunities supplied to you because you never know where they may take you. Having dreams and aspirations is of absolute importance in life. Take something that you’re passionate about and explore it as much as possible. Every person has the potential to take control and take action no matter the adversity that they face. So, you have the power to do what you want to do whether it be leading others, being a good role model, helping charities or just living a happy life. Any dream that you have is achievable as long as you care enough to take action. Take the steps towards your dream and eventually, you will make it. I don’t hope that you do what people tell you what to do or follow in the footsteps of others. But, it is my greatest hope and aspiration that people will take action towards their dreams no matter how large. So, walk away from this hall not worrying about your assignments or classes but, think about every step that you take and how that step no matter how small, is leading you to where you want to be. “Dreams and dedication are a powerful combination.”


Noah Beasley

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” This famous quote from Dr Seuss, can be interpreted in various ways including leadership. However, on the 29th of May, the Year 9 leaders attended Altitude Day and we explored leadership and unlocking potential. By definition, leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organisation, but it is also about listening and making connections with others. We spent the day listening to guest speakers and doing small challenges. These small challenges allowed us to interact with other leaders from different schools. There is no denying that at times, the constant small talk fell silent and awkwardness arose. But by the end everyone had accepted that the best option was to put yourself out there and make conversation in order for the most beneficial outcome. The first guest speaker was Caitlyn Shadbolt, who spoke about her journey to follow her dreams and subsequently having a successful country singing career. Furthermore, Ben Pettingill, who became blind at the age-of-16, expressed the importance of not letting things hold you back. In fact, Ben received the world record for being the first blind man to complete a Spartan race untethered. Sometimes, society can be filled with immense negativity but Rowie Mcevoy found a way to block out that negativity and be happy everyday. There were numerous messages given to us, about taking opportunities, living your dreams and having a positive mindset.  These messages ring true to how we can approach our dreams, aspirations and adversities.

Olivia Gartrell


Mr Brendan Delaney, Director of Students