Leadership in Action
Leadership in Action
Having been at Pacific for almost 15 years, something that has always stood out for me is the emphasis on the phrase ‘everyone is a leader’. I have used it on assemblies, talking to sporting teams, in class and around the school yard many times. Typically, the first week of a school term can be a settling in phase where the focus is more about reengaging in study habits and home learning. However, in just the opening two weeks of the term, I have been blown away by the response of many students who have stepped up and shown a tremendous amount of leadership.
Last Wednesday was the first Leadership Day for the Year 11 cohort. It was interesting to see how the group interacted and how students took the messages and themes on board throughout the day. I look forward to walking alongside them throughout the year, as they approach their final stages of school life.
It was great to see a variety of students across P-12 march for the ANZAC’s in remembrance of their service to our country last week. It was a powerful statement to honour those who sacrificed their lives and to have more than 200 Pacific students participate was truly inspiring. To top off an already big week, many of those who marched on Thursday once again supported the College with their attendance at our Open Day on Sunday. Students performed, assisted in learning spaces and led tours for prospective families. All students did an amazing job representing the College and their efforts were very much appreciated. Once again, the vision of leadership across a range of age groups was very evident and the selfless attitude of all involved made me very proud to be associated with Pacific.
There are many more opportunities for leadership and service that students can be involved with throughout the year, starting with the Red Shield Doorknock Appeal this month. At the Middle College assembly this week, we were given details about the ways in which we can all be involved in supporting the community and we encourage all who are able to, to help support those who are less fortunate. Students and families can do this with their time and donations throughout the month of May. I’m sure that once again, Pacific will be at the forefront of the Red Shield Appeal, demonstrating our leadership and service to one another.
Mr Mark Hauser, Head of Senior College Students