Knowing, knowledge and nowing.

Knowing, knowledge and nowing.

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This week’s thread surrounds school engagement and a commitment to learning. The Bible verse provides guidance around celebrating knowledge and Proverbs 3:13-20 speaks of “Finding Wisdom.”

On assembly last week, Mrs Sue Zweck celebrated the learning occurring in Prep in and around NAIDOC Week. The students showed their comprehension of the importance of stories and the continuity of knowledge between generations that has occurred historically over many millennia. Whilst witnessing this I was reminded of our Pacific Way learning statement of collaborating by listening, valuing difference, and celebrating others’ potential. By beginning to develop an increased awareness of the importance of the shared knowledge that Indigenous People have nurtured and constructed, we understand that diversity of thinking builds greater awareness in us all.

In his widely acclaimed book Sand Talk, Tyson Yunkaporta speaks of applying an Indigenous mindset toward the issues facing the world globally. Through sand images, oral stories and scientific explanations, Tyson speaks of the importance of wholehearted inter-connection and more importantly, the innate dignity of us all to not allow us to think we are more important than anyone else.

In one section he speaks of the forgiveness expressed to those who have deviated from what their society has expected. It is a given that from time to time, we will all put our needs above the needs of others. However, once justice has been dispensed, these members were welcomed back into their society and their misdemeanours were never spoken again. In fact, these figures continued to play a crucial role in stories and ceremonies and served as a reminder to others and guide future generations.

Wisdom comes in many forms. As the saying goes “Hindsight is a wonderful thing”. I know as a parent sometimes the greatest life lesson we can have is to allow our children to find out the hard way, no matter how much of a warning has come regarding the possible consequences. But how often all of us would like to have our time again to potentially have a chance to redo. Of course, this is not possible. However, we can learn from our mistakes. It is our intention as a College to proactively promote an engagement in learning and support individuals should or when they require guidance. It is in our reflections and ongoing considerations we are truly gaining wisdom.

Our young people are our future and being part of a community that is striving for wisdom is a unique privilege. Our students will be faced with challenges not even considered yet but if equipped adequately, they will be prepared for what life challenges them with. As Proverbs states, if we find wisdom and gain understanding, we truly will be blessed.

Mr Damian Davis, Head of Staff and Students P-5