Key Dates for Year 12 Students

Key Dates for Year 12 Students

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  • 18th November: Final day of school for Year 12 students. Students must stay at school up to this day to be eligible to receive a QCE and OP.
  • 18th November: Depending on the courses applied for, students could receive a QTAC offer from this date onwards.
  • 23rd November: Schools publish subject achievement indicators (SAIs). Students should check they've been placed in the correct position compared with their classmates and speak with the school immediately if there are any queries.
  • 8th December: QTAC documentation and applications due for courses commencing in Semester 1 2017.
  • 15th December: Major offer round for creative and performing arts and some other courses for entry in Semester 1 2017.
  • 16th December: QCAA posts QCEs, Senior Statements, Statements of Results, QCIA and Tertiary Entrance Statements to Year 12 students.
  • 17th December: QCAA publishes Year 12 results and OPs in online learning accounts at –
  • 17th December – 8th January: Re-order QTAC preferences if required.
  • Late December: OP Ineligible Ranks will be available on your QTAC application.
  • 8th January 2017: Final date for change of preferences on QTAC application for the major offer round on 16th January.
  • 16th January 2017: Major QTAC offer round for most courses.

All students in Queensland are issued with a Senior Education Profile when they complete Year 12. The contents of a student’s senior education profile will vary depending on their learning achievements.

Senior Statement

The Senior Statement is a record of a student’s learning account. It shows the subject they studied and results, which may contribute to the award of a QCE or Tertiary Entrance Statement. Every student who attends school up until the last day of Year 12 will receive a Senior Statement.

Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)

The QCE is Queensland's senior school qualification. It is awarded to eligible students who achieve a significant amount of learning to a set standard and in a set pattern, while also meeting numeracy and literacy requirements. Students who are not eligible for a QCE at the end of Year 12 have an additional seven years to meet the eligibility requirements.

Tertiary Entrance Statement

If students are eligible for an Overall Position (OP), they will receive a Tertiary Entrance Statement as part of their Senior Education Profile. The Tertiary Entrance Statement shows a student’s OP and FPs. These are used to rank students for admission to tertiary courses.